Chapter Awards
Includes: Public Relations,
100% Membership,
Chapter Forestry and Wildlife,
Scrapbook Rubric,
Nomination Form - Virginia FFA Honorary State Degree, and
Nomination Form - Honorary American FFA Degree
State Degree

The Virginia FFA Association State Degree Program consists of State Degrees, State Stars, and Honorary Degrees. |
State Stars
The Virginia State Star Awards represent the best of the best among nearly 200 State FFA Degree recipients. Finalists for the award have mastered skills in production, finance, management and/or research.
State Proficiency
The National FFA Agricultural Proficiency Awards honor FFA members who, through their supervised agricultural experiences (SAEs), have developed specialized skills that they can apply toward their future careers.
National Chapter
The National Chapter Award Program is designed to recognize FFA chapters that actively implement the mission and strategies of the organization. These chapters improve chapter operations using the National Quality Chapter Standards (NQCS) and a Program of Activities (POA) that emphasize growing leaders, building communities and strengthening agriculture. Chapters are rewarded for providing educational experiences for the entire membership.
Agriscience Fair
The Virginia FFA Agriscience Fair recognizes student researchers studying the application of agricultural scientific principles and emerging technologies in agricultural enterprises. The agriscience fair is for middle and high school students. Participation begins at the local level and progresses to state and national levels.