VAAE Members Attend NAAE Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada

VAAE Delegation at the 2022 NAAE Convention

XLR8 Winner - Christy Huffman-Kerr, Fort Defiance High School

Teachers Turn The Key Winner - Alice Cox, Grayson County CATE

Virginia teachers visit the Hoover Dam.
VAAE Members Attend NAAE Convention in New Orleans, LA
VAAE Delegation at the 2022 NAAE Convention:
Makenah Roberts of Louisa County High School Recognized as Virginia's Teachers Turn the Key Scholarship Winner:
VAAE Members Recognized as NAAE Regional Winners
These VAAE members are 2020 NAAE Region VI Winners:
Outstanding Postsecondary Agriculture Program: Riverheads Young Farmers

Ideas Unlimited: Elizabeth Duncan, Appomattox High School

Outstanding Service Citation Award: Teresa Lindberg, E.W. Wyatt Middle School

Lifetime Achievement Award: Robert "Bobby" Orrock

VAAE Announces Annual Award Winners
Congratulations to the VAAE award winners for 2020!
Outstanding Agricultural Education Teacher: Shirley Kaufman
Outstanding Early Career Teacher: Blair Hoffman
Outstanding Middle/Secondary Agricultural Education Program: Broadway High School
Outstanding Postsecondary Agriculture Program: Riverheads Young Farmers
Teachers Turn the Key: Cole Ramsey
Ideas Unlimited: Elizabeth Duncan
Outstanding Service Citation Award: Teresa Lindberg
Outstanding Cooperation Award: Dr. Edwin Jones
Lifetime Achievement Award: Robert "Bobby" Orrock